Tag Archive for: Maternal and child health

Summer school: Path to Greatness

The summer school, titled "Path to Greatness," is a five-day,…

First Aid Rac

This initiative stems from the need to improve the hygienic and…

Christmas for All

Gifts to kids sheltered in a center for families with mothers…

Adaptive Ski Adventures: Empowering Children with Disabilities on the Slopes

The Adaptive Ski Adventures project aims to provide children…

Feel-good packages for the women’s shelter on International Women’s Day

Feel-good packages for International Women's Day 2024 🌹👭🏻 This…

Creative Art Therapy

The aim of this project is to help children who have suffered…

Independence Day Charity Ball

Rotary Charity Ball to celebrate the Independence Day of Latvia…

Santa Fun Run Riga

Santa Fun Run is a Santa Claus run around the Old town of Riga.…

Christmas For Ukrainian kids

Recognizing the significance of the Christmas season, especially…