Article published in December 2020 in the latest issue of the E.R.I.C. Magazine by Esther Gellings, from RAC Barcelona ’92, Spain Tired of boring online meetings? We collected some ideas for you! Strictly Social Meetings Our favorite ideas so far: pub quizzes, wine/chocolate/… tastings, party games, cooking/ dancing/ handicraft/… classes, FreeIC, Cards Against Humanity, Werewolves, escape rooms, movie nights Grow Closer as a Club → Start meetings with a check-in where members can share struggles → Add short member presentations about their job or an interest → Leave room at the end to socialize, play games and chat together → Gamification: Guess who’s [baby picture, vacation, home office, …] this is Grow Closer to Rotary Joined Rotaract/Rotary meetings and projects are easier than ever now that everything moved online. Have a breakout session for internal Rotaract business at the end or meet separately every other time. Connect Beyond your Circle → Join the ERIC events, and keep an eye out on social media → Plan joined events with other clubs → 24/7 Zoom meeting on World of Rotaract: → For gamers: Rotaract Discord Servers Reach Out to the Public → Make your Fun Online Fundraisers open to the public (see strictly social) → Organize genuinely interesting talks Keep Everyone Engaged in Club Business → Keep club business short and to the point → Brainstorm better with interactive whiteboard tools or in breakout rooms → Make presentations interactive with polls: e.g. Mentimeter → Schedule in energizers and time to socialize