Emergency Response to the Floods in Tuscany (Italy)

Dear Rotaractors and Rotarians across Europe,

We are deeply saddened by the enormous natural disaster that hit Tuscany (Italy). Once again climate change has brought Italy to its knees as it did a few months ago, between May and June, in Emilia-Romagna, as you can tragically read in this and this articles.

In such a tragedy, we ask you to stand together as a great Rotary-Rotaract family and help the ones in need.

1. Donations

Rotaract and Rotary Districts 2071 opened a specific current account to raise funds. Money is what is currently needed the most. Here you can find all the transaction details:


IBAN: IT 80 Z 062 301 430 000 004 067 8828


REASON: Tuscany Floods Contribution

2. Volunteering on site and collection of goods

If you have the possibility to go to the places affected by the recent floods (cities of Pistoia, Prato, and their surrounding communities, as well as other affected areas), or you have goods you are willing to donate, please coordinate directly with Marcello Andria, Country Representative of Italy. You can reach out to him directly at the following email address: creric.italy@gmail.com .

3. Background information

Parts of Tuscany have been plagued by flood during the first days of November. Areas of Florence, such as Campi Bisenzio and others in the surroundings have been struck by heavy rain, causing streams to overflow. Other cities such as Prato, Pontedera, Montemurlo  and Quarrata suffered terrible damage to streets, buildings, hospitals, and libraries. In those days the streets had turned into real rivers. As the rain stopped and the water was removed, everything was covered with mud.

The local District’s Rotaract Clubs got in touch with Civil Protection to organize teams of volunteers without dispersing any energy. Together with the Governor of District 2071 R.I., they also decided to help those people and families that faced this emergency and that are still dealing with it. First, they started fundraising to support those communities. This will allow to provide essential goods in a short time and help with the reconstruction in the long term.

Moreover, Rotaract and Rotary Clubs from Tuscany are working together to obtain access to the Rotary Foundation’s Great Disaster Fund for ecological disaster.

Italy would like to thank everyone who had a thought for them during this difficult time, we all know that they aren’t alone. We are a big family and together we are much stronger.