Entries by Rotaract Europe, IT

ERIC Magazine Fall 2015

Dear friends, ERIC next magazine will be published during Rem Poznan and it  will feature what we care about the most: You, Your Clubs, Your Districts, Your Projects, and Your passion for Rotaract! Therefore #writeyourstory and become a #journalist! Share your news at magazine@rotaracteurope.eu Deadline Sept 30! Sharing is caring 🙂 yours in rotaract, Veronica

Business cards

Dear rotaractors, We’re close to our first meeting so we have plenty of news to begin this year. Today’s news is Business Cards! You can book them by clicking here and filling the form. Donatas will bring them to Poznan so there are no shipment fees, and it will be 13€ for 200 cards. They are customizable with […]

Polos & Hoodies

After several drawings, eight hundreds emails we finally managed (special thanks to Djordje) to have eric polos and sweatshirts! Like two years ago, the “merchandising” will be available during the events (the shipment costs would be too expensive!) Under the ERIC logo, for country representatives there will be written “ERIC COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE 2015/16”, this means […]

Happy new rotaract year!

Dear friends, after a magic journey that so far lasted two years (as board member first, then country representative) in “international waters” here I am – they say third’s a charm – bringing my passion and my motivation at the service of country representatives, board and european rotaractors as ERIC president. What I have learned so far […]

TOP 5 BESP TCA 2014/2015

Dear Rotaractors, thank you all for your participation in BESP and TCA, Here is some figures about applications       The results of the final voting will be revealed at the Gala Dinner of EUCO Bucharest in about :     Here is an overview of the finalists:   TOP 5 BESP TOP 5 TCA   […]

Applications for BESP & TCA 2014/15

The applications for Best European Service Project & Twin Club Award are now open! Until March 15th all clubs can send their applications directly to us using the email social@rotaracteurope.org You can find all the details and both application forms here.